
17th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology - WaterMicro 2

15/09/2013 - 20/09/2013

- | Florianópolis - Brazil

The Watermicro is a forum for discussion of relevant topics in the field of water microbiology focused on public health, which has the key benefit to synchronize the national and international activities that are being developed within the theme, train and promote young scientists to establish collaboration with scientists around the world allowing the implementation of projects that add various experiences and produce results or products of greater scope and of greater benefit to the end user.

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HOTÉIS Diária (por pessoa) Reservar
Majestic Palace Hotel - 1. Standard Single R$ 270,00 + 2,5% tax, per person, with breakfast
Majestic Palace Hotel - 2. Standard Double R$ 150,00 + 2,5% tax, per person, with breakfast
Majestic Palace Hotel - 3. Deluxe Single R$ 300,00 + 2,5% tax, per person, with breakfast
Majestic Palace Hotel - 4. Deluxe Double R$ 165,00 + 2,5% tax, per person, with breakfast
Duração da Hospedagem
Do Aeroporto Hercílio Luz (Florianópolis) Valor (por pessoa) Nº de Pessoas Reservar
Majestic Palace Hotel R$ 60,00, round trip, per person.

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